Sunday, June 14, 2009

Carpe Diem

It is finally moving day. The kids traveled safely to visit grandparents and cousins, the moving truck took off at midnight last night, and we are sitting in our cute little courtyard, enjoying a cup of coffee and a final fire in the chiminea. We are sitting here because there is no where else to sit in the house, but it is something we should have done more often. June gloom persists but the clouds create a quietude I welcome. A moment of peace after many days packed with activity and emotions.

Our neighbor brought us a little going away gift last Saturday -a bottle of wine named "Carpe Diem." "It's what you're doing," she explained. We needed the reminder. In the midst of packing, too many good-byes, and some tears, our daughter was the only one who retained a complete and unadultered excitement of the move. Anyone who would listen to her near-constant stream of conversation knows all about our plans. For weeks, her babies (as she calls her dolls) have flown countless trips to Iowa to visit grandparents and cousins, and then on to "Norf Carolina" where they live in a rental house and have picnics on 12 acres of land. They build treehouses and swings and sleep in hammocks and watch their new house being built. They have a wonderful life.

So here we go. Carpe Diem. We are seizing the opportunity we created. We're incredibly lucky to have this choice, but it is an opportunity we imagined and pursued. We'll see how it goes. I'm excited.

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