Monday, March 30, 2009

Things I love

A much better day. We're back in contract on our house, after our buyers and back-up buyers went south. Our new buyer came in with a great offer and has already seen the report that sent the others running. Not a 1st time buyer - and someone who knows what she wants. Now I can work on the post I wanted to do yesterday. I'm having a hard time with the thought of good-byes. As much as this move is anticipated, planned for, dreamed of -- still, we've been here 12 years. A lot has happened. And I'm going to feel like a three-legged dog for awhile. I'll get by, but I won't be quite the same.

I think a running list of the things I'll miss will help. I'm not ready to put down the big things - like our dear friends and my sister. But the daily things - the taken-for-granted stuff - that are noticed more in their absence. They deserve a little memorializing.

1. Southern California March. As a kid, it always snowed on my birthday (a Picses, it was inevitable in Iowa). In New York -- much the same. Like some party guests, winter just doesn't know when to exit. But here - March is spring on steroids. My favorite days are slightly cloudy with intermittent sunshine.
2. The particular blend of jasmine, citrus and some unknown herbally/green scent that fills the air here in spring.
3. "My" running hills. Actually it's just one big hill with many routes. No matter what path I take, at some point I'm going to hit that hill. I used to hate hills. Now I love the way a good hill creates focus.
4. The last several blocks on the drive to my son's school, a great little school in Sierra Madre, a post-card perfect town set in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains.
5. Our front courtyard in the evening. A wonderful place to hang, watch the kids, and enjoy a glass of wine.
6. Oranges on my tree, snap peas and tomatoes and strawberries ripe (at the same time!) in my garden. And all the fresh lemons one could want.

That's it for tonight. There may be more. Feel free to add your own ideas -- if you happen across this little blog.

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